Sensa Weight Loss System
On the subject of losing weight, a lot of people are eager to try almost anything. Frequently they might not have any success. Nevertheless a lot of people might not have used a diet product called Sensa Weight Loss. Sensa Weight Loss. Sensa is an appetite suppressant that helps someone shed weight by eating a smaller amount of food. Sensa was invented by Dr. Alan Hirsch, a licensed neurologist and psychiatrist, as well as creator of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation. Doctor Hirsch has spent years learning, analyzing and diagnosing problems related to our senses of taste and smell. The product comes in the form of little sprinkles named tastants. They are stored into shakers and come in both salty and sweet varieties. You just sprinkle these sprinkles above any food, just like using salt or pepper. The salty shaker is needed for savory dishes, while the sweet shaker is to be used on any sweets you eat. With Sensa it is possible to continue eatin...